Ensuring our students have the necessary qualifications, skills, qualities and experiences to transition into post-16 education and training and one step closer to their career goal is a priority of everyone at CP Riverside School.

We seek to ensure that every student who graduates with us in Year 11 has a meaningful and sustainable post-16 destination to move on to. It may include an appropriate college course, apprenticeship, traineeship or employment with training.
CP Riverside School recognises the importance of a relevant and effective careers and employability programme in order to prepare our students for the world of work.
Our Vision is that:
Students leave CP Riverside with the necessary skills, knowledge and ambition to embark on their next steps with confidence and determination.
We aim to realise this vision by achieving the requirements of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks:

Access Policy Statement:
Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers.
At CP Riverside, we are committed to providing impartial careers advice for all students as part of our Careers Programme. This includes information and education about the local learning and training pathways on offer to students. As part of this, we are happy to consider requests from training, apprenticeship and vocational education providers to speak to our students to support them in making informed choices about their next steps. Requests by providers should be sent to the School’s Careers Lead, Stef Smith (0115 9864098)
Entitlement Statement:
CP Riverside has a statutory duty to provide independent and impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance for all students. Students at CP Riverside are entitled to receive a planned Careers Programme which is intended to give all students the necessary skills, knowledge and ambition to embark on their next steps with confidence and determination. The programme is designed to help students make informed choices about their KS4 Pathway Options as well as their Post-16 destinations and future career.
Students will receive:
- Clear impartial advice and support from a trained Careers Coach. (Y11 only)
- 1:1 support and guidance to help them make informed choices and with completing applications from the Careers Team
- The opportunity to learn about Employability and Life Skills as well as the world of work
- Clear and impartial information about post-16 options available to them
- Support with interviews, applications and CVs
- Access to apprenticeship vacancies and college prospectuses, as well as online career resources and employer websites
- Support when attending College visits, including where liaison is needed with the Support Team at the College.
- Support with the transition from school to post – 16 destination
- References and predicted grades to support applications
In addition to this, Destination Data will be collected by the school and used by the Careers Team to inform future careers guidance and education at CP Riverside School
CP Riverside Careers – Progression Framework