Physical Education – GCSE and ASDAN
Our intent in GCSE PE is that our curriculum allows our students the opportunity to:
- develop an understanding of health and fitness and how society affects it
- think analytically about the consequences of different lifestyle choices, and how it impacts both themselves and others
- be able to make connections between the theoretical concepts and their own experiences of practical sport (whether as participants or spectators)
- reason and present a justification or argument using subject-specific terminology
- understand how the body works, and the impact that sport, physical activity and exercise can have in both the short and long term
- to interpret data and draw conclusions using their theoretical knowledge
- develop their own practical skills, reflect on their strengths and weaknesses and show the determination to improve their own practice
- enable all learners to develop their confidence in performing during physical activities (including in different roles e.g. performance, officiating, leading)
- enable all learners to enjoy learning and succeeding through both practical and theoretical PE
- help learners think more widely about their sporting experiences and the things that impact and influence it, helping them to consider the world outside their current and immediate environment
- to understand how to maintain and develop fitness and health, throughout their lives, and to be able to support others to do so
Please click on the link below to view the GCSE PE Annual Curriculum Plan 2021/2022
GCSE PE Annual Curriculum Plan 2021_22.docx