Religious Studies (Ethics)

It has become more evident that as our young people are exposed to an ever-changing world in which religion plays a pivotal role in politics and culture, that we aim for all CP Riverside students to leave school with a good understanding of different religious beliefs and philosophies. Knowledge and understanding will enable our students to effectively navigate their way through communities, FE  and workplaces with an open mind, a critical brain and a compassionate heart.  

The curriculum plan and sequencing has been designed with student voice in mind.  Students were given a variety of religions that they could study and they chose which religions they wanted to focus on and when they wanted to focus on them. The curriculum is sequenced to ensure that lower ability students are able to grasp basic religious ideas and beliefs and students that required more challenge, were stretched through deeper level philosophical concepts.  The GCSE is also a short course qualification that aims at engaging our year 11 students with the opportunity to access another GCSE alongside their other qualifications. The curriculum will be implemented over two sessions a week and will contain various stimulating activities such as debates, discussion, reading, case studies and religious art. After studying their chosen religions (Islam and Buddhism) students are then equipped with sound knowledge to be able to explore contemporary ethical debates around issues such as family, contraception, marriage, gender inequality, war, peace and conflict in line with Britain’s main religion (Christianity) and other religions. This underpins the school’s values of respect and acceptance as well as ensuring British Values and topics taught in PSHE are more clearly understood in a deeper and more applicable way. 

Students will be challenged with questions about belief, values, meaning, purpose and truth, enabling them to develop their own values and attitudes towards religious issues.  CPR students will also gain an appreciation of how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture. They will develop analytical and critical thinking skills, the ability to work with abstract ideas, leadership and research skills. All these will help prepare them for further study as well as ensure they contribute to society in a more meaningful way.

Please click on the link below to view the Religious Studies (Ethics) Annual Curriculum Plan 2021/2022

RS & Ethics Annual Curriculum Plan 2021_2022.docx

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