Our Local Governing Body ensures the school continues to deliver the best possible educational experience for our students

CP Riverside

Our Local Governing Body (LGB) comprises three community governors, one parent governor, one staff governor and a Principal (Ex-officio) 

The LGB has 3 key strategic functions:

  • Ensure the vision, culture and strategic direction of the school remain in line with the Trust expectations
  • Hold senior leaders to account for the overall performance of the school, academic achievement and progress of students, and the performance management of staff
  • Oversee the financial position of the organisation, ensuring the school’s finances are used to improve the delivery of improved educational outcomes.

The Local Governing Body is not responsible for the day to day running of the school – this is a matter for the Principal who is accountable to the LGB.

CP Riverside School is a member of the East Midlands Education Trust.  The Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation can be viewed here. All relevant Declaration of Interests are published on the EMET website and can be viewed here.

Local Governing Body member details can be found in the table below.  All Governor terms of office are 4 years and will expire in February 2026.


Governor Role

Area(s) of Strategic Oversight

Colin Campbell

Chair of Governors

Community Governor

Leadership & Management

Alison Chmiel

Vice-Chair of Governors

Community Governor

Health & Safety

Dr. Louise Braham

Community Governor

Behaviour & Attitudes

Rebecca Connick

Parent Governor

Curriculum & SEND

Amanda Hunt

Staff Governor

Staff Feedback

Mark Eyre

Principal (Ex-officio)

Not applicable

The Chair of the Local Governing Body, Colin Campbell, can be contacted through the Clerk to Local Governing Body, Abbie Clifton, using abbie.clifton@cpriverside.co.uk or in writing to:

Colin Campbell
c/o CP Riverside School
Riverside Way


To contact the school Principal please send an email for the attention of the School Principal to office@cpriverside.co.uk.