CP Riverside School is inspected by Ofsted to ensure we are providing our students with the best opportunity to thrive and flourish personally, academically and socially.

CP Riverside School’s most recent Ofsted inspection took place in April 2022.
Ofsted graded the school as follows:
The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and Management Good
Overall effectiveness Good
In the published report, Ofsted said:
“Pupils are full of praise for the school. They speak about the positive, caring relationships between staff and pupils.”
“Staff have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. Pupils understand the rules and say that they are fair.”
“Pupils say that they feel safe in school.”
“Leaders have constructed a broad and balanced curriculum that identifies the key knowledge and skills pupils should gain.”
“Leaders promote pupils’ broader development exceptionally well.”
“Staff provide outstanding pastoral support. Pupils with challenging behaviours who sometimes struggle to remain in a lesson receive individual support from trained staff.”
“Leaders have established an ethos of positive, trusting relationships. Pupils agree that they feel safe because they have a close bond with staff.”
To view the report in full, please click the link here.